Wednesday, October 10

Itty Bitty Knitty Bitty!

Knitty Bitty, Knitty Bitty, Knitty Bitty! Say that three times fast! Knitty Bitty makes the most wonderful knitted children's hats. My best friend just had a baby and already has a little one so when I found Knitty Bitty I was over joyed! The hats came the other day and they were so professional and perfect it was wonderful! I sent them off straight away. Knitty Bitty herself as two kids, featured above and below. They are just priceless! I think I'm too old for a cupcake hat but if I could get away with it I would. If you need presents for little ones or know anyone who does Knitty Bitty is the place!


Unknown said...

I don't know what's cuter the hats or the photos. So adorable.

Suzy said...

They are soo cute!