Okay so it's not really green in color; however, it is good for the environment. My Trading Company (which is the name of the company, it's not actually mine) specializes in gathering the best of Europe's innovative designs. The company is run by Gioanna Brorson, an interior design expert from Denmark, and takes great care to protect the environment. They work closely with Agencies such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification) and the EU to make sure the wood they use will not be from illegally forested areas and will not deplete or hurt the environment. I'd love to see these made of bamboo which is a completely sustainable material. Just an idea!!!
This photo below is of a completely Eco-friendly bathroom designed by Livable Design Interiors in Sag Harbor, NY. I think I'm going to have to check them out.
So very classic :)
On another note, I added your blog to the blogroll on my site.
Oh WOW, thanks for putting us on to them - I love those tubs, and its so great to know a source that is "green".
Green is great.... our company purchased this tub for a client and since it arrived, the client had an issue. My Trading COmpnay is no where to be found. Their 10 year warrenty is garbage, and now our wholesale comapny now has to handle this issue.
Don't buy from this women.
Unethical busness practice.
Her name Interior Designer Gioanna Brorson
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