Sunday, October 14

Drawing on the walls!

I came across this post on a new blog that is a lot of fun called Fashion Is Spinach. which is a wonderful blog that makes you happy looking at it. The outfits and photos just makes you want to dress up like Audrey Hepburn and be fabulous! She has a great eye. Do check it out! Through her blog I discovered Graham and Brown wallpaper (which she found through Oh Joy)!

When I was a kid I would have loved to have had wallpaper like this! How much fun to defy the rules and color in whatever you want. Literally write on the walls. Check out this picture frame wallpaper by Graham and Brown. Maybe I'll have to put this in the Bueller Dream House!

1 comment:

Jodie Hurt said...

Oh wow...this is awesome! I would love to have this wallpaper in my house!