Wednesday, October 17


My best friend just had her second baby and with a 2 year old boy already she has her hands full. What better gift for a mom than a baby sling! I remember my mom telling me how wonderful they were and how much the baby loves to be near the mama's heart. My friend was a little skeptical, afraid the baby would fall out or something, but once she tried Babe-a-gogo's baby sling she was a changed woman. Aren't they cute!

Babe-a-gogo was started by a mom who needed more hands and so her slings were born, so to speak. She has a wonderful eye for modern fabrics and designs that are very hip and cool. There are many different colors, styles and patterns to suit anyone and everyone. She even references websites and articles for first time baby slingers which my friend found extremely helpful and made her feel comfortable trying it out. My friend is such a believer now that she doesn't know how she has gone without one for so long!

Babe-a-gogo also has many other wonderful items for babies (blankets, burp cloths, bibs and more):

So if you need some baby gifts or some things for yourself please visit Babe-a-gogo's etsy shop:

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